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Child peace forum

I hold a child peace forum when I want children carrying the future to think about peace in the General Incorporated Foundation Pacific War National Air-Raid Victim Consoling Association. This design delivers it in YouTube.

About a child peace forum


 I publicize that there is a person of Pacific round whole country war damage city air strike death memorial (the following, memorial) which is mourning facilities of the national-scale one and only for people of general war damage death of the Pacific war and, through peaceful learning, have you interest in Himeji-shi and, through a memorial, express the memorial will for the person of public war damage war damage death 
 I know the trouble of people at the time and the life of children and make the opportunity to think about what there is in the oneself and plan improvement of the peace consciousness of children

Child peace forum 2022

The Pacific war whole country air strike
         Victim Association of memorial service
475, Nishinobusue, Himeji-shi, Hyogo
   (Himeji-shi peace museum)

1.The Pacific war whole country war damage city air strike death person
 Maintenance of the memorial
2.The Pacific war whole country war damage city air strike death person
 Public information enlightenment business of the memorial
3.The Pacific war whole country air strike victim memorial peace
 Prayer-style enforcement
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